Australian Reforming Catholics

ARC Surveys

We conduct formal and informal surveys of members’ opinions to ensure that what is reflected publicly represents the viewpoints of the large majority. The following is an example of one held early in the development of ARC.

THEME A: Administration of ARC

Proposal 1: 2005

Status - Closed

ARC policies are formulated and endorsed by the financial members and implemented through a Secretariat elected at an AGM

Proposal 2: 2005

Status - Closed

Financial members vote on policy issues at an AGM or by sending in absentee votes

Proposal 3: 2005

Status - Closed

One member of the Secretariat is appointed as an external ARC spokesperson. Other ARC members can speak externally in a private capacity only

Proposal 4: 2005

Status - Closed

Each Secretariat will act on a consensus model – No one is in charge, all are in charge

Proposal 5: 2005

Status - Closed

Each ARC Secretariat will call ARC Campfires/Conferences and General Meetings

THEME B: People Power

Proposal 1: 2005

Status - Closed

The Church is all its people and the Holy Spirit indwells and informs all

Proposal 2: 2005

Status - Closed

People are longing for a stronger, more visible Christian emphasis on love, not law.

Proposal 3: 2005

Status - Closed

Hierarchical Church structures need to be reformed to let us all own our church.

Proposal 4: 2005

Status - Closed

Central control dominated by one culture delivers injustices.

Proposal 5: 2005

Status - Closed

The Church should encourage modern scientific investigation as integral to God’s evolving universe.

Proposal 6: 2005

Status - Closed

It is important that the people elect their own Bishops

Proposal 7: 2005

Status - Closed

It is important that the people participate in decisions to set up, amalgamate or close Parishes

Proposal 8: 2005

Status - Closed

It is important that the people participate in major building/financial decisions.

Proposal 9: 2005

Status - Closed

It is important that people who are elected to Church Councils participate in the decision making.

THEME C: Rights and responsibilities

Proposal 1: 2005

Status - Closed

The principle of an informed conscience must always be respected.

Proposal 2: 2005

Status - Closed

All Catholics, female and male, should have equal opportunity to assume responsibilities in the Church.

Proposal 3: 2005

Status - Closed

Freedom of speech and enquiry applies in the Church as much as in secular society.

Proposal 4: 2005

Status - Closed

Let the Church follow Jesus in his embrace of all who are suffering discrimination.

THEME D: Liturgy and Sacraments

Proposal 1: 2005

Status - Closed

Liturgy should reflect the culture and modes of expression of local communities.

Proposal 2: 2005

Status - Closed

The Third Rite of Reconciliation should be re-introduced.

Proposal 3: 2005

Status - Closed

Criteria for Ordination should be reviewed.

Proposal 4: 2005

Status - Closed

Criteria foInclusive language should be adopted in all liturgical texts.r Ordination should be reviewed.

Proposal 4: 2005

Status - Closed

Criteria foInclusive language should be adopted in all liturgical texts.r Ordination should be reviewed.

THEME E: Human Sexuality

Proposal 1: 2006

Status - Closed

Some traditional Church teaching on sexuality needs re-examining in the light of more recent research

Proposal 2: 2006

Status - Closed

Masturbation is a mortal sin’

Proposal 3: 2006

Status - Closed

Homosexuality is a natural state for some

Proposal 4: 2006

Status - Closed

An essential purp[ose of sacramental marriage is mutual comfort and support

Proposal 5: 2006

Status - Closed

The use of condoms in marriage is a mortal sin

THEME A: Administration of ARC

Proposal 1:

Status - Closed

ARC policies are formulated and endorsed by the financial members and implemented through a Secretariat elected at an AGM.

Proposal 2:

Status - Closed

Financial members vote on policy issues at an AGM or by sending in absentee votes.

Proposal 3:

Status - Closed

One member of the Secretariat is appointed as an external ARC spokesperson. Other ARC members can speak externally in a private capacity only.

Proposal 4:

Status - Closed

Each Secretariat will act on a consensus model – No one is in charge, all are in charge.

Proposal 5:

Status - Closed

Each ARC Secretariat will call ARC Campfires/Conferences and General Meetings

THEME B: People Power

Proposal 1:

Status - Closed

The Church is all its people.

Proposal 2:

Status - Closed

People are longing for a stronger, more visible Christian emphasis on love, Not law.

Proposal 3:

Status - Closed

Hierarchical Church structures need to be reformed to let us all own our Church.

Proposal 4:

Status - Closed

Central control dominated by one culture delivers injustices.

Proposal 5:

Status - Closed

The Church should encourage modern scientific in investigation as integral to God’s evolving universe.

Proposal 6:

Status - Closed

It is important that the people elect their own Bishops.

Proposal 7:

Status - Closed

It is important that the people participate in decisions to set up, amalgamate or close Parishes.

Proposal 8:

Status - Closed

It is important that the people participate in major building/financial decisions.

Proposal 9:

Status - Closed

It is important that people who are elected to Church Councils participate in the decision making.

THEME C: Rights and responsibilities

Proposal 1:

Status - Closed

The principle of an informed conscience must always be respected.

Proposal 2:

Status - Closed

All Catholics, female and male, should have equal opportunity to assume responsibilities in the Church.

Proposal 3:

Status - Closed

Freedom of speech and enquiry applies in the Church as much as in secular society.

THEME D: Liturgy and Sacraments

Proposal 1:

Status - Closed

Liturgy should reflect the culture and modes of expression of local communities.

Proposal 2:

Status - Closed

The Third Rite of reconciliation should be re-introduced.

Proposal 3:

Status - Closed

Criteria for Ordination should be reviewed.

Proposal 4:

Status - Closed

Inclusive language should be adopted in all liturgical texts.

More details of our work and a Membership Application (in pdf format)

Proposal 2: 2005

Status - Closed

Financial members vote on policy issues at an AGM or by sending in absentee votes

Proposal 4:

Status - Closed

Central control dominated by one culture delivers injustices.