ARC Surveys
We conduct formal and informal surveys of members’ opinions to ensure that what is reflected publicly represents the viewpoints of the large majority. The following is an example of one held early in the development of ARC.
THEME A: Administration of ARC
Proposal 1: 2005
Status - Closed
ARC policies are formulated and endorsed by the financial members and implemented through a Secretariat elected at an AGM
- Approve 56
- With Reservation 4
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 2
Proposal 2: 2005
Status - Closed
Financial members vote on policy issues at an AGM or by sending in absentee votes
- Approve 53
- With Reservation 5
- Not Approve 2
- Abstain 2
Proposal 3: 2005
Status - Closed
One member of the Secretariat is appointed as an external ARC spokesperson. Other ARC members can speak externally in a private capacity only
- Approve 48
- With Reservation 10
- Not Approve 2
- Abstain 2
Proposal 4: 2005
Status - Closed
Each Secretariat will act on a consensus model – No one is in charge, all are in charge
- Approve 48
- With Reservation 10
- Not Approve 2
- Abstain 2
Proposal 5: 2005
Status - Closed
Each ARC Secretariat will call ARC Campfires/Conferences and General Meetings
- Approve 59
- With Reservation 0
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 3
THEME B: People Power
Proposal 1: 2005
Status - Closed
The Church is all its people and the Holy Spirit indwells and informs all
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 1
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 4
Proposal 2: 2005
Status - Closed
People are longing for a stronger, more visible Christian emphasis on love, not law.
- Approve 59
- With Reservation 1
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 2
Proposal 3: 2005
Status - Closed
Hierarchical Church structures need to be reformed to let us all own our church.
- Approve 55
- With Reservation 5
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 2
Proposal 4: 2005
Status - Closed
Central control dominated by one culture delivers injustices.
- Approve 54
- With Reservation 3
- Not Approve 3
- Abstain 2
Proposal 5: 2005
Status - Closed
The Church should encourage modern scientific investigation as integral to God’s evolving universe.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 1
- Not Approve 1
- Abstain 1
Proposal 6: 2005
Status - Closed
It is important that the people elect their own Bishops
- Approve 42
- With Reservation 16
- Not Approve 3
- Abstain 1
Proposal 7: 2005
Status - Closed
It is important that the people participate in decisions to set up, amalgamate or close Parishes
- Approve 56
- With Reservation 4
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 2
Proposal 8: 2005
Status - Closed
It is important that the people participate in major building/financial decisions.
- Approve 51
- With Reservation 9
- Not Approve 1
- Abstain 1
Proposal 9: 2005
Status - Closed
It is important that people who are elected to Church Councils participate in the decision making.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 4
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 1
THEME C: Rights and responsibilities
Proposal 1: 2005
Status - Closed
The principle of an informed conscience must always be respected.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 5
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 0
Proposal 2: 2005
Status - Closed
All Catholics, female and male, should have equal opportunity to assume responsibilities in the Church.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 2
- Not Approve 2
- Abstain 0
Proposal 3: 2005
Status - Closed
Freedom of speech and enquiry applies in the Church as much as in secular society.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 5
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 0
Proposal 4: 2005
Status - Closed
Let the Church follow Jesus in his embrace of all who are suffering discrimination.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 4
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 1
THEME D: Liturgy and Sacraments
Proposal 1: 2005
Status - Closed
Liturgy should reflect the culture and modes of expression of local communities.
- Approve 54
- With Reservation 6
- Not Approve 0
- Abstain 2
Proposal 2: 2005
Status - Closed
The Third Rite of Reconciliation should be re-introduced.
- Approve 54
- With Reservation 4
- Not Approve 1
- Abstain 3
Proposal 3: 2005
Status - Closed
Criteria for Ordination should be reviewed.
- Approve 57
- With Reservation 4
- Not Approve 1
- Abstain 2
Proposal 4: 2005
Status - Closed
Criteria foInclusive language should be adopted in all liturgical texts.r Ordination should be reviewed.
- Approve 53
- With Reservation 7
- Not Approve 1
- Abstain 2
Proposal 4: 2005
Status - Closed
Criteria foInclusive language should be adopted in all liturgical texts.r Ordination should be reviewed.
- Approve 53
- With Reservation 7
- Not Approve 1
- Abstain 2
THEME E: Human Sexuality
Proposal 1: 2006
Status - Closed
Some traditional Church teaching on sexuality needs re-examining in the light of more recent research
- Yes 57
- No 0
- Discussible 2
- Abstain 1
Proposal 2: 2006
Status - Closed
Masturbation is a mortal sin’
- Yes 3
- No 54
- Discussible 3
- Abstain 3
Proposal 3: 2006
Status - Closed
Homosexuality is a natural state for some
- Yes 52
- No 1
- Discussible 7
- Abstain 0
Proposal 4: 2006
Status - Closed
An essential purp[ose of sacramental marriage is mutual comfort and support
- Yes 54
- No 2
- Discussible 4
- Abstain 0
Proposal 5: 2006
Status - Closed
The use of condoms in marriage is a mortal sin
- Yes 3
- No 53
- Discussible 3
- Abstain 1
THEME A: Administration of ARC
Proposal 1:
Status - Closed
ARC policies are formulated and endorsed by the financial members and implemented through a Secretariat elected at an AGM.
- No.: Strike out financial. Some people can't pay/no alienation of anyone
- No. 56: How are policies endorsed?
Proposal 2:
Status - Closed
Financial members vote on policy issues at an AGM or by sending in absentee votes.
- No.:10 Would much prefer consensus on policy
- No. 12: Approval of absentee voting forms sentout prior to the AGM
- No. 37: I'd rather have more pressure on coming to meetings
- No. 56: I do not go to AGM's
- No. 60: But please excuse me as a new arrival
Proposal 3:
Status - Closed
One member of the Secretariat is appointed as an external ARC spokesperson. Other ARC members can speak externally in a private capacity only.
- No. 12: There should be a second spokesperson available if the first is away or not available
- No. 24: Counted and voted upon by Chairperson
- No. 33: Appoint a deputy external ARC spokesperson to speak publically in case No. 1 is not available
- No. 34: Perhaps more than one (2?) are needed in case one is not available
- No. 35: Would that be on all issues? Maybe needs to be on basis of expertise and availablity. But I agree. It should only be with Secretariat approval
- No. 36: Not sure why this is recommended
- No. 48: Sometimes there can be specific circumstances
- No. 62: On contentious or obviously divided issues, suggest views/endorsement of Secretariat be sought before going public
Proposal 4:
Status - Closed
Each Secretariat will act on a consensus model – No one is in charge, all are in charge.
- No. 2: As long as a two-thirds majority allows you to make a decision. Don't be tied up by just one person or a tiny majority
- No. 7: With emphasis and education responsibility of All
- No. 14: "No one is in charge, all are in charge" does not reflect meaning of consensus
- No. 26: Could lead to confusion if no specified leader
- No. 30: Sometimes you need someone in charge
- No. 31: What is consensus? 8-1? 7-2? or 9-0?
- No. 48: As above but consultation should resolve
- No. 62: Can this really work effectively?
Proposal 5:
Status - Closed
Each ARC Secretariat will call ARC Campfires/Conferences and General Meetings
- No reservations
THEME B: People Power
Proposal 1:
Status - Closed
The Church is all its people.
- Not absolute of catholicism
- Motherhood statement". In terms of "is" the Church cannot be anything else
Proposal 2:
Status - Closed
People are longing for a stronger, more visible Christian emphasis on love, Not law.
- Can't really speak for "people"
Proposal 3:
Status - Closed
Hierarchical Church structures need to be reformed to let us all own our Church.
- No. 2: As long as this does not preclude decision-making
- No. 12: Begin sentence with "Some"
- No. 14: Begin with "Hierarchical/Patriarchal:
- No. 47: But how, without chaos?
- No. 50: "own"? Applies to smaller churches, I would think
Proposal 4:
Status - Closed
Central control dominated by one culture delivers injustices.
- No. 2: A meaningless proposition
- No. 12: Not clear meaning! In a mono-cultural small community or society injustice need not necessarily follow
- No. 14: "one culture" needs clarification/better expression
- No. 27: Not necessarily always the case
- No. 50: I probably agree but meaning needs clarification
- No. 55: Is it thought a mix of cultures would deliver justice? Or compromise? Too broad to fit one of the options
Proposal 5:
Status - Closed
The Church should encourage modern scientific in investigation as integral to God’s evolving universe.
- No. 6: Would Not ********(illegible word) "modern science", whatever is meant by that, as emphasis on contemporary knowledge scholarship
- No. 55: Depending on the purpose, and the independence of scientists involved
Proposal 6:
Status - Closed
It is important that the people elect their own Bishops.
- No. 6: They have campaigns, a la Presidency/PM?
- No. 7: After a process of being well informed
- No. 10: It is also important that members do not carry the day, for a Bishop cannot work without the full support of his clergy
- No. 14: People could elect "popular" person not one "qualified". Needs clarification. Could present as in Proposal 7
- No. 27: The people who elect need to be informed
- No. 28: Information re candidates needed
- No. 33: People to include clergy and religious
- No. 38: Could be too much like voting in NRMA Directors. Too little is known of candidates.
- No. 41: Difficult to know how parisioners would know would-be candidates
- No. 42: How could this work?
- No. 43: I would be happy to have an interim electoral college of proportionate members from deaneries representing laity and priests
- No. 45: Do not need bishops!
- No. 46: The leadership qualities of the bishop need to be scrutinised
- No. 48: What if people are given biased information e.g. censorship/controls through local pressure groups?
- No. 50: I would probably agree for smaller local or national churches but not for international churches
- No. 50: Depending on process
Proposal 7:
Status - Closed
It is important that the people participate in decisions to set up, amalgamate or close Parishes.
- No. 24: Participating members should increase
- No. 28: Final decision needs to be made otherwise another talkfest
- No. 60: If adequate preparation be given to people
- No. 62: Through participation of elected Parish Pastoral Councils NOT practical to seek participation of everyone
Proposal 8:
Status - Closed
It is important that the people participate in major building/financial decisions.
- No. 6: Need to see how could implement
- No. 8: People with competence to do so
- No. 14: It is important. Be definite - people are to participate. It is our money!!
- No. 28: Final decisions need to be made - otherwise talkfest
- No. 31: An accountable financial committee to be delegated
- No. 41: Committee would need to be appointed to make decisions
- No. 62: Again - through elected Parish Pastoral Councils
Proposal 9:
Status - Closed
It is important that people who are elected to Church Councils participate in the decision making.
- No. 14: They do now. But PP's have legal rights over which laity have no power.Should be PP's to have legal rights with people
- No. 28: Who elects Council?
- No. 52: Replace "participate" with "have a deliberative voice"
THEME C: Rights and responsibilities
Proposal 1:
Status - Closed
The principle of an informed conscience must always be respected.
- No. 4: If they have expertise in the field.
- No. 4: If they have expertise in the field.
- No. 28: Most Catholics not concerned about informing their consciences.
- No. 44: No need for "an". Statement is universal.
- No. 56: There is absolute good and evil.
Proposal 2:
Status - Closed
All Catholics, female and male, should have equal opportunity to assume responsibilities in the Church.
- No. 2: What does this proposition mean? What responsibilities?
- No. 24: The injustice to existing ******(illegible) priests should be dealt with first.
- No. 50: An oversimplified statement
Proposal 3:
Status - Closed
Freedom of speech and enquiry applies in the Church as much as in secular society.
- No. 2: Surely within the context of the Church's belief?
- No. 12: It should apply more visibly in the Church (as the City of God) than in any secular society. The Church should be a "light to the nations", a model of freedom and justice.
- No. 14: Be specific - "Australian" secular society.
- No. 24: So many clergy and nuns and lay people continuously hurt others by "Participating"
- No.47: Freedom of speech and enquiry should apply in the Church etc.
THEME D: Liturgy and Sacraments
Proposal 1:
Status - Closed
Liturgy should reflect the culture and modes of expression of local communities.
- No. 6: Communities are heterogeneous and this needs to be part of expression.
- No. 14: Should have regard to tradition.
- No. 23: Where local culture conflicts with Christian values or meaning?
- No. 36: The liturgy around the world is always home.
- No. 38: Within reason and faith symbols
- No. 55: Reserve judgement. Could become rather amorphous depending on definition of local community and whether you include communities within a community.
- No. 60: Some communities are stuck in the Good Old days
Proposal 2:
Status - Closed
The Third Rite of reconciliation should be re-introduced.
- No. 10: It's already there. Restrictions on its use are what should be modified.
- No. 35: More correctly - "Should be expanded to include..."
- No. 50: Has this rite been suppressed?
Proposal 3:
Status - Closed
Criteria for Ordination should be reviewed.
- No. 61: But not as being done in U.S.A.
Proposal 4:
Status - Closed
Inclusive language should be adopted in all liturgical texts.
- No. 4: Sometimes can trivialise the content.
- No. 14: Add "based on Australian English". To be linked to Australian English (NotUSA/UK etc) - big cultural difference
- No. 22: It is up to the particular community to decide this. No discrimination should exist if one particular group wishes not to use exclusive language and stick with traditional language. Possibly different versions of liturgical texts should exist in order to cater for this?
- No. 26: This, of course, refers to texts that are not specifically male or female
- No. 28: Care here - preserve the literary purity
- No. 36: It can dumb down the text
- No. 50: Questions the "all". Needs further exploration
- No. 55: Haven't a strong opinion one way or the other. Neither approve or disapprove
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Proposal 2: 2005
Status - Closed
Financial members vote on policy issues at an AGM or by sending in absentee votes
- Approve 53
- With Reservation 5
- Not Approve 2
- Abstain 2
Proposal 4:
Status - Closed
Central control dominated by one culture delivers injustices.
- No. 2: A meaningless proposition
- No. 12: Not clear meaning! In a mono-cultural small community or society injustice need not necessarily follow
- No. 14: "one culture" needs clarification/better expression
- No. 27: Not necessarily always the case
- No. 50: I probably agree but meaning needs clarification
- No. 55: Is it thought a mix of cultures would deliver justice? Or compromise? Too broad to fit one of the options