Australian Reforming Catholics


Please check this page regularly as the information changes.


New Windows for Religious Belief and Practice

The human species is in its infancy, not in maturity, as it deals with scientific understanding of its place in the universe and how it should (and must) develop.
The windows used for centuries to understand our place in the universe and to shape religious faith have been upended and can no longer be relied upon to help the human species develop.
We do not have a "full story" yet, but we do have some new windows to ponder, and hopefully help us on our way.
View the video of his presentation and the discussion that followed by clicking on the link.


Exploring Faith and Reason

Dr. Peter Vardy outlined the development of Christian doctrine in the early centuries and the later centrality of St. Thomas Aquinas in establishing the link between Philosophy and Theology.
This led on to the tension between science and faith in the modern world, including Darwin's theory of natural selection, and alternative approaches culminating in the contrasting Franciscan tradition reflected by Pope Francis.

This stimulating presentation, accompanied with Powerpoint notes and followed by participant discussion can be viewed by clicking on the button below.

First Presentation

The Need for a Theological Reformation

Church doctrines which are reliant on understandings of the universe that are longer believable are increasingly irrelevant. Only a reformed understanding of "God", revelation, Jesus and liturgy can bring the changes so many people are longing to see. Renown scholar and author Michael Morwood discussed how we can re-discover the teachings of Jesus by looking through a contemporary lens. View the video of his presentation and the discussion that followed by clicking on the link.

Catch up with Tim

ARC Member Bishop Tim Norton meets with Members

For those of you who were unable to participate in this stimulating and informative Zoom meeting with Bishop Tim and his thoughts oh Church reform, we have a recording of the questions and discussion held on Thursday the 24th of August 2023. Click on the button below to be taken to the video of the meeting.


Annual General Meeting

ARC holds its Annual General Meeting in the second half of each calendar year.

The meeting is conducted by video using our own Zoom Room so that members from anywhere in Australia can attend and interact.

 If you are an ARC member, we will notify you when the date and time has been decided.

Radical Inclusivity Statement

The Parramatta Diocesan Pastoral Council has prepared this wonderful statement on inclusivity.

It was released on the 30th of July 2022.

A group of friends at a coffee shop
people sitting on chairs watching a game

Australian Reforming Catholics Submission to the Plenary Council 2020/2021

Catholics across Australia were asked to make submissions by the 6th of March 2019.

All ARC members were consulted in the preparation of this submission and a group met to write the final document.